Made in Madras?
The best part is that you don’t have to be...made in Madras!
We learned this from our customers. Although we originally intended those who were actually ‘made’ in Madras or those folks to whom Madras meant a great deal to go gaga over this t-shirt, we realised that film stars & models from the North were also wearing this t-shirt. In fact, a person in London saw an actor wearing it on TV and emailed us asking for details of this t-shirt! That apart, foreigners & tourists bought it possibly for a different meaning, but with the same gusto. Perhaps they considered that the t-shirt was actually made in Madras!
Some designs are effective in their mere simplicity. They’re what the corporate world calls a ‘no-brainer’. Few words, minimal artwork, basic colours, aesthetically assembled, are some features of a simple yet elegant design. On a t-shirt, with the correct choice of fabric colour and print colours, the overall effect can be just outstanding!
Stories in as few as four words have been told -- some chilling, some delightful and mostly, all hard-hitting. Song lyrics containing just a few words in the chorus have rocked the world for many years. So, it follows that a catchy, meaningful caption on a cool cotton t-shirt would be a choice made in under 30 seconds even! We have seen customers regard this t-shirt specifically for just around 3 seconds and make the decision in the 4th second!
The name Madras is gold. Ok, call it old (!), call it Chennai’s previous name, but it still touches a chord. And if you were born in ‘those Madras days’, this would be a favourite in your t-shirt collection. What’s (happily) curious is how folks who have nothing to do with Madras love it.
We at Chennaigaga now realise that some designs are always meant to be…in stock!
In a rich and appealing red now at
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